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What Makes The Laravel Php Framework Most Preferred Choice For Web Development Worldwide

Dec 2nd 2023, 2:48 pm
Posted by barneyroon
What Makes The Laravel PHP Framework Most Preferred Choice For Web Development Worldwide

What Makes The Laravel PHP Framework Most Preferred Choice For Web Development Worldwide

What Makes The Laravel PHP Framework Most Preferred Choice For Web Development Worldwide
Laravel is one of the newest technology when it comes to PHP frameworks.

It has gained immense popularity in a short duration of time and received huge recognition when compared to other PHP frameworks.

What is the Framework?

A framework is a collection of tools written in a particular language which acts as a platform for developing software applications.

Know About Laravel Framework

It is a web application framework with simple yet expressive syntax. It makes the web development task like authentication, caching and routing easy. It aims to make the development procedure hassle-free without compromising the application functionality.

It creates web application with the help of Model- View- Controller ( MVC) and its source code is hosted in GitHub along with MIT license.
It includes a wide array of tools which speeds up the development cycle, eliminating the need to write functions with every software project.

History and Evolution

This PHP framework came out in 2011 and since then it has continued to offer robust features with the evolution and upgraded versions.
Laravel 1 was designed as a replacement to the CodeIgniter with built-in support and authorization mechanisms.

But Laravel 1 lacked a very important feature of authentic MVC framework. Laravel 2 was a bit better but with the release of Laravel 3 the platform offered users with new features including command-line interface, MVC framework, secure, database management and many more.
The latest version was released in March 2020.

Technical Advantages Which Makes Laravel the Best PHP Framework

  • Easy Authorization
The implementation of this framework authentication techniques is really simple.

Things are configured easily. With this framework, it provides a simple way to organize authorized logic and control to many other resources.
  • Object-Oriented
Pre-installed and object-oriented libraries are available in this PHP framework which is not found easily in the other frameworks.

One such pre-installed library is the Authentication library having features like checking active users, password reset option and encryption.
  • Artisan Tool
The PHP framework comes with a built-in tool named Artisan which allows the developer to perform the majority of the repetitive task in an efficient manner.

  • Security
This framework uses prepared SQL statements and hashed password protection system thus making it a secure framework to use.
  • Database Migration
With the Laravel framework, as long as the database work is kept in migration and seeds, the changes made can be easily migrated to other development machines in a hassle-free manner.

  • Blade Templating Engine
This feature is very intuitive and one of the best features of the Laravel framework which helps to work with PHP/ HTML easily.

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